Selected Cycling and E-Bike Routes
Bild: Jan Geerk
Selected Cycling and E-Bike Routes

Selected Cycling and E-Bike Routes

Experience our selected cycling and e-bike tours in the beautiful Baselland region. Our varied routes are signposted on site and have been developed in collaboration with SchweizMobil. Whether you are seeking a sporty challenge or simply want to enjoy the landscape at a leisurely pace, you’ll find the perfect route for your next cycling adventure here.

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E-Bikeland Nordwestschweiz

E-Bikeland Nordwestschweiz

E-Bike-Karte mit 10 Thementouren und einer Übersicht zu den E-Bike-Ladestationen.


Mountainbikekarte Baselland

Mountainbikekarte Baselland

13 Tourenvorschläge, drei Trails und Pumptracks & Bikeparks im Baselbiet


Broschüre "Baselland. Entdeckerland"

Broschüre "Baselland. Entdeckerland"

Eine Übersicht über das vielfältige Baselland. Entdeckerland.


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